Brian Basco and the Hero's Journey I think one thing that is really overlooked in runaway is the heros journey and growth of basco as a character he goes from a humble well intentioned nerd, to a capable and confident hero, becomes arrogant and hubristic, is then humbled, locked away in the crazy house, and then ultimately reborn into the heroic glory, in an almost too 'on the nose' way escaping from his own grave the shift to total jerkhood in runaway 2 is not just him being a monster, its an essential part of his development and part of the deeper story That whole out of body experience as Brushian even makes sense when looking at it in this context, experiencing life as someone else being the first step to reclaiming his sense of self and true identity this even matches the enviroments the game takes place in, the seasons of bascos life starting off in the dark city, he is trapped in his nerd like shell then wanders through the desert, like that one guy, and in the vast openness and light discovers who he can be From there life is all sunshine and paradise and he becomes prideful Only to have the world freeze over on him, things are cold and bleak on this path then embarks on a journey across the sea (the 2nd most obvious metaphor for a change of character right up there with a train?)in the depths of the ocean explores the depths of himself, and although begining to come to a realizationhe is judged and locked up as a mad man (twist of fates non canonical story telling)then back from the dead, reborn at a church And ultimately returns to the dark city where the game started but as the man he has grown to become