B. Basco, the Protagonist as Anti-Hero ```Should you ever be in a position to describe the difference between protagonist and hero, look no farther than brian basco The uhhh anti hero thing is errr a demonstration of complex and .... deep story telling that explores philosophical and moral concepts which ummm separates runaway 2 as a far more interesting and cerebral game than the typical point click save world affair The average braindead mass audience lacked the awareness and intellect to truly appreciate all the different levels this masterpiece was operating on, and never really saw the true brilliance of pendulo, they prefer something more childish like a meat head riding a motorcycle and punching things Yeah there are a lot of really heavy social and political issues the game daringly tackled, war, romance, race relations, animal rights, environmentalism, are we alone in the universe, identity and self Honestly to think some twist like it was an amusement park the whole time could even make the slightest dent on anyone in a post runaway 2 era is just embarrassing Real heavy stuff there Ron, but you should have not thought of a reason to do that right now```