Runaway 2 as a Contemporary Retelling of Melmoth ```I thought Runaway 2 was more of a contemporary retelling of Melmoth. The way it's divided into chapters, where one follows the other in a generally linear fashion, represents how society has become, in many ways, simpler, than in Maturin's time - especially when it comes to the access of information. However, it still introduces the game with Brian telling his story at the computer, to keep it clear that that is what is being referred to. Like Muffin explains (Muffin, 2023), the presence of the Catholic church in the original Melmoth has been changed to that of the American military, demonstrating that perhaps this is now the way the world has headed. Instead of God, it suggests we now worship War, which is a disturbing prospect. However, one can't help but wonder if Pendulo was swayed a bit by the fact that portraying Catholicism like Melmoth does can lead to more upset than it's worth, and it may be down to personal preference on their part. Most of the changes made to criticise the current world are fairly self explanatory. But the changes it makes are quite substantial and any Melmoth fan is likely to be screeming at their screan saying "What! She didn't fall out of a plane! This isn't India! What the hell is going on!?" and stuff, there are so many differences it's almost like it's a different story, which perhaps criticises something else, idk.``` - From <@158258023268089856>