Runaway 4 News
News from interviews about the upcoming Runaway 4 starring the beloved B. Basco!
Here Roman Hernanez notes that the action for Runaway 4 will take place
in Italy against the mob. Will we see the return of the mobsters from
Runaway 1?
If Carlos hates Basco so much why is he even working
Pendulo Studios, the creators of our beloved Brian? I think he should
be fired right now and replaced with one of our ilk, the Basco Cult
devoted. Everyone send your applications to
because Carlos is going to get FIRED, Brian Basco told me so.
Why are Gina and Brian cryogenically frozen? are Pendulo not
the benevolent game devs we thought they were all along? Are
they actually the mobsters from the original Runaway 1 here to
plot revenge on Gina and Brian for thwarting them so many years ago?
Everyone send your applications to
because all of Pendulo studios is going to get FIRED, Brian Basco told me so.
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